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This course will introduce students to the field of Molecular and Cellular Cognition (MCC). MCC is a
relatively young field with the goal of deriving explanations of cognitive processes that
integrate molecular, cellular, and behavioral mechanisms and to find
treatments for cognitive disorders. MCC studies focus on molecular
(ie. receptor, kinase activation), intra-cellular (i.e. dendritic
processes), and inter-cellular processes (i.e. synaptic plasticity;
network representations such as place fields) that modulate animal models of
cognitive function.
configuration of logic gates to form flip-flops, shift registers,
memories and arithmetic registers. The internal representation of
data. Input-output devices.
Este curso es una introducción a los aspectos físicos y ambientales de la producción de energía. consideraremos tópicos relacionados con los conceptos físicos aplicados en las diferentes tecnologías utilizdas para la producción de energía, sus ventajas y desventajas, así como medidas para l optimización del uso de enrgía. Nuestra consideración de estos tópicos también se caracterizará por el énfasis en la pertinencia de los mismos a la situación de Puerto Rico.
Curso introductorio de laboratorio de Física, destinado a estudiantes de programas de estudios técnicos. La clase de tres horas consta de una hora de discusión y dos horas de práctica de laboratorio. Los temas tratados en los laboratorios siguen la secuencia general de temas cubiertos en el curso de teoría.
Curso introductorio de laboratorio de Física, destinado a estudiantes de programas de estudios técnicos. La clase de tres horas consta de una hora de discusión y dos horas de práctica de laboratorio. Los temas tratados en los laboratorios siguen la secuencia general de temas cubiertos en el curso de teoría.
Curso introductorio de laboratorio de Física, destinado a estudiantes de programas de estudios técnicos. La clase de tres horas consta de una hora de discusión y dos horas de práctica de laboratorio. Los temas tratados en los laboratorios siguen la secuencia general de temas cubiertos en el curso de teoría.
Topics covered will include biological sequences, programming in python, UNIX, sequence alignments, sequence phylogeny, sequence database searches, gene prediction, and whole genome analysis, including transcriptome and microarray analysis, gene clustering and application of statistics to gene profiling data.
We will emphasize the fundamental theory behind the analysis, and also present practical problems and their solutions. The course will use open-source bioinformatics tools, and show how to construct such tools using biopython, a set of libraries for bioinformatics in the python programming language.
The course is designed for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in biology. A basic knowlege of molecular biology is assumed. Students from other disciplines are invited to participate, but will have to make up the background
This is a file server site for documents related to the graduate program in Environmental Sciences.
- Teacher: Coordinator CIAM GAC
- Teacher: Gary Gervais
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
- Teacher: Wilma Santiago
- Teacher: Sheila Ward
This one credit course is meant to give students exposure to different topics of relevance to Environmental Sciences. Students will learn about current research initiatives at the University of Puerto Rico and abroad through a series of graduate students and faculty seminars. The seminar will also provide an opportunity for students to learn skills essential for becoming successful student researchers. Students will be able to identify and obtain research opportunities that are appropriate to their professional goals. This seminar will also allow students to develop an awareness of the diversity of research opportunities available to them in the environmental sciences. Skills that students will acquire will include among others finding the right research advisor, critical analysis of research manuscripts and how to navigate the whole research process.
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
This one credit course is meant to give students exposure to different topics of relevance to Environmental Sciences. Students will learn about current research initiatives at the University of Puerto Rico and abroad through a series of graduate students and faculty seminars. The seminar will also provide an opportunity for students to learn skills essential for becoming successful student researchers. Students will be able to identify and obtain research opportunities that are appropriate to their professional goals. This seminar will also allow students to develop an awareness of the diversity of research opportunities available to them in the environmental sciences. Skills that students will acquire will include among others finding the right research advisor, critical analysis of research manuscripts and how to navigate the whole research process.
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
File server for Graduate Affairs Committee
- Teacher: Coordinator CIAM GAC
- Teacher: Qiong Gao
- Teacher: Gary Gervais
- Teacher: Wilma Santiago
- Teacher: Sheila Ward
The course will focus on the accelerating environmental and social risks which our society is facing and will continue to face in the coming years. Students will read the scientific and public policy literature related to the modeling and evaluation of these risks and present their assessment of their readings to their student peers. By the end of the semester, the successful student will have a thorough understanding of the degree of risk which society will have to mitigate and for which we as scientists will have to devise public policies. In addition, the course will strive to encourage students to carry out critical readings of the scientific and public policy literature as well as some popular debates on appropriate social responses to risk. Students will be required to defend their own scientific positions related to controversial scientific and public policy topics before their peers and practice the role of peer review by critically examing the work of each of the other members of the class.
- Teacher: Gary Gervais
- Teacher: Xianbin Liu
- Teacher: Alexander Rodriguez
Course Synopsis:
This one credit course is meant to give students exposure to different topics of relevance to Environmental Sciences. Students will learn about different research initiatives currently underway at the University of Puerto Rico and abroad through a series of graduate students and faculty seminars. The seminar will also provide an opportunity for students to learn skills essential for becoming successful student researchers. Students will be able to identify and obtain research opportunities that are appropriate to their professional goals. This seminar will also allow students to develop an awareness of the diversity of research opportunities available to them in the environmental sciences. Skills that students will acquire will include among others finding the right research advisor, critical analysis of research manuscripts and how to navigate the whole research process.
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
There is a growing consensus that constraints on the supply of petroleum and the negative environmental consequences of burning fossil fuels, require that modern societies adopt alternative sources of energy. These alternatives must be both renewable and environmentally sustainable. Biomass represents an attractive alternative for both energy and chemical production that meet these requirements. Due to their sustainable nature (constantly being replenished by photosynthesis), while storing significant amounts of energy-rich compounds (oil, starch and other biopolymers), biomass has been placed on the bioenergy priority list. Therefore, it is vital for us to train the next generation of green workers in this critical area. With that in mind, this multidisciplinary course is designed to provide participants with an overview of algal biomass cultivation and characterization. Topics will be interdisciplinary and will include algal diversity, collection from various habitats and preservation. All these techniques will be investigated through field forays and laboratory studies. Cultivation essential for biodiversity sampling and analysis will also be emphasized. This course will use real-world examples while providing insights into technological trends aiming at securing our energy future. The course will feature prominent guest speakers and lectures focusing on current energy related events. In addition to in-class lectures, information will be shared via outside reading assignments, laboratories projects and sites visits to local algae farms.
- Teacher: liz diaz
- Teacher: Jodany Fortune
- Teacher: Gary Gervais
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
- Teacher: Loretta Roberson
This one credit course is meant to give students exposure to different topics of relevance to Environmental Sciences. Students will learn about the research currently being conducted at the University of Puerto Rico and abroad through a series of graduate students and faculty seminars. The seminar will also provide an opportunity for students to learn skills essential for becoming successful student researchers. Students will be able to identify and obtain research opportunities that are appropriate to their professional goals. This seminar will also allow students to develop an awareness of the diversity of research opportunities available to them in the environmental sciences. Skills that students will acquire will include among others finding the right research advisor, critical analysis of research manuscripts and how to navigate the whole research process.
This one credit course is meant to give students exposure to different topics of relevance to Environmental Sciences. Students will learn about the research currently being conducted at the University of Puerto Rico and abroad through a series of graduate students and faculty seminars. The seminar will also provide an opportunity for students to learn skills essential for becoming successful student researchers. Students will be able to identify and obtain research opportunities that are appropriate to their professional goals. This seminar will also allow students to develop an awareness of the diversity of research opportunities available to them in the environmental sciences. Skills that students will acquire will include among others finding the right research advisor, critical analysis of research manuscripts and how to navigate the whole research process.
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
Our quality of life is mainly being driven by the way we exploit and consume energy; which somehow differentiate us from pre-industrial societies. Unfortunately, energy, the largest industry in the world, also turned out to be the biggest polluter on the planet. Therefore it is vital for us to think critically about energy issues, if we want to maintain our lifestyle and not jeopardizing future generations. With that in mind, this multidisciplinary course is designed to provide participants with an overview of energy technologies, fuels and environmental impacts. Topics will be interdisciplinary and will include an introduction to quantitative concepts in energy, including the differences among fuels and energy technologies. This course will use real-world examples while providing insights into technological trends aiming at securing our energy future. The course will feature prominent guest speakers and lectures focusing on current energy related events. In addition to in-class lectures, information will be shared via outside reading assignments, laboratories projects and a research paper focusing on a specific energy topic.
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
The purpose of this course is to provide the basic scientific knowledge and understanding of how our world works from an environmental perspective. Toward this end, we will touch on topics as broad as general issues on the environment, basic principles of ecology and ecosystem function, water resources and pollution, hazardous chemicals, air pollution and climate change, biodiversity, energy resources, and sustainability. The limited scope of this course will allow us to only cover basic techniques in the analysis of water, air, and soil quality using a hands-on approach. The discussion of processes and topics, as well as techniques studied will include: chlorine, alkalinity, hardness, nutrients, suspended solids, dissolved solids, sedimentable solids, biochemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, total organic carbon, fecal coliforms, turbidity, oils and fats, and long-term monitoring.
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
Biogas Lab Group Meeting
- Teacher: Gary Gervais
- Teacher: Clifford Louimé
The purpose of this course is to provide the basic scientific knowledge and understanding of how our world works from an environmental perspective. Toward this end, we will touch on topics as broad as general issues on the environment, basic principles of ecology and ecosystem function, water resources and pollution, hazardous chemicals, air pollution and climate change, biodiversity, energy resources, and sustainability. The limited scope of this course will allow us to only cover basic techniques in the analysis of water, air, and soil quality using a hands-on approach. The discussion of processes and topics, as well as techniques studied will include: chlorine, alkalinity, hardness, nutrients, suspended solids, dissolved solids, sedimentable solids, biochemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, total organic carbon, fecal coliforms, turbidity, oils and fats, and long-term monitoring.
- Ingrid Venero, Michael Marty: Clifford Louimé
Se estudia de forma “hands-on” como hacer las técnicas básicas de un análisis de calidad de agua, aire, y tierra. En grupos de 3-4 estudiantes hacen un informe de evaluación ambiental comparando dos sitios en Puerto Rico usando las técnicas que aprendieron durante la clase. La discusión de procesos y tópicos y las técnicas estudiadas incluye: cloro residual, alcalinidad, dureza, nutrientes, sólidos suspendidos, sólidos disueltos, sólidos sedimentables, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, demanda química de oxígeno, oxígeno disuelto, carbón orgánico total, coliformes fecales, turbidez, aceites y grasas, y monitoreo.
This is the shared web site for all new Haitian students in the graduate programs of UPR
Gary Gervais,, 787-764-0000 x (1)7344#
- jodany.fortune, antonin.forestil: Louis Jean DELINOIS
- Teacher: Maria Eglee Perez
- Teacher: Humberto Ortiz
- Teacher: Luis Pericchi
Modelos estadísticos lineales con énfasis en los fundamentos matemáticos. Aplicación del álgebra lineal especialmente en la consideración de los temas principales: regresión y análisis de varianza.

- Teacher: David Torres
Espacios muestrales, axiomas y teoremas elementales de la probabilidad, análisis combinatorio, independencia y probabilidad condicional. Teorema de Bayes. Variables aleatorias, distribuciones de probabilidad, esperanza matemática, media y varianza. Funciones generatrices de momentos. La desigualdad de Chebyshev, la ley de los números grandes, el teorema del límite central.
- Teacher: Maria Eglee Perez
- Teacher: Luis Pericchi
- Teacher: PJ Rodríguez Esquerdo
- Teacher: Esteban Rolón
Teoría de inferencia estadística. Estimadores y métodos de estimación. Pruebas de hipótesis. Regresión lineal. Se hará hincapié en el rigor matemático y en el desarrollo formal del tema, así como en los aspectos computacionales utilizando el lenguaje R
- Teacher: Maria Eglee Perez
Análisis Exploratorio de Datos. Teoría de Probabilidad. Variables aleatorias. Distribuciones
muestrales discretas y continuas. Estimación. Pruebas de hipótesis. Correlación y
regresión. El uso de la computadora en la simulación de experimentos aleatorios. Estadística computacional.
- Teacher: Jose F De Jesus Rosa
- Teacher: Nhi Nguyen
- Teacher: Maria Eglee Perez
- Teacher: Ronald Sosa
This is a multidisciplinary course in which students will be introduced to the most common methods in Experimental Design and Statistical Data analysis and their application in Biology, Environmental Sciences and other areas. Students will use computer tools in order to enhance their understanding and mastering of the studied techniques.
Este es un curso multidisciplinario en el cual se introducirá a los estudiantes a métodos de mayor uso en las áreas de Diseño Experimental y Análisis Estadístico de Datos y sus aplicaciones en disciplinas en Biología, Ciencias Ambientales y otras áreas. Los estudiantes usarán análisis computarizados para aumentar su comprensión y dominio de las técnicas adquiridas durante el curso
- Teacher: Maria Eglee Perez